Become a Member
Any person of Italian descent who is a member of the Uniformed, Civilian, or probationary force of the Fire Department of the City of New York shall be eligible for membership. Members retired from the FDNY may continue to hold membership in this Association. Dues $25 per year. (Definition of Italian Descent- Defined as either parent having had Italian lineage, with final acceptance of said applicant being determined by the Board of Directors.)
Become an Associate Member
Any person who is not otherwise eligible to be a member of this association shall be eligible for associate membership in the association. There shall be issued to all associate members an associate membership card. Associate members shall be entitled to receive the association's newspaper, shall be permitted to attend all weekend and vacation trips sponsored by the association. Associate members are not eligible for the death benefit and scholarships. The associate members shall not be permitted in attendance at the business portion of the meeting. Dues $10 per year.
International Member
You can become an international member of this association if you reside outside of the United States. We will add you to our mailing list and you will receive a quarterly newsletter (4 per year). Also, the 1st year you will receive our association lapel pin and membership card. The international membership dues are $20 EURO per year paid the 1st of January each year. Dues payable via International Money Order (Vaglia Postale).
Active FDNY Employees can setup Auto Pay through ESS here -
For Retired FDNY Employees - Click Here For Instructions
Please mail application and payment to:
FDNY Columbia Association
Attn: Matt Scanna
159-38 97th Street
Howard Beach, NY 11414
Download The Dues Form Here
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